Phenomenal Touch

Immerse yourself in the rhythm of Phenomenal Touch - a truly three-dimensional, rocking, embracing massage style. This technique, based on 80 Principles including “Love & Reverence” and “Be The Wave”, mirrors the sensation of floating in water, a harmonious blend of Watsu, Lomi Lomi, and Thai massage. I've had the privilege of learning directly from Leslie Bruder. Want to know more about this award-winning modality? Take a look at the international recognition it's received and watch a PT neck demo by my colleague Jonathan Grassi, a World Massage Championship finalist.


Explore the fascinating world of fascia - the intricate liquid crystal web of connective tissue that wraps and weaves every muscle, bone, and nerve. Experience deep holding, lateral stretching, and spiraling, designed to activate nerve endings, liberate habitual tension patterns, and create length in your tissues. The result? Enhanced structural alignment, freedom of movement, and an enduring sense of ease. Sometimes even old memories can surface for healing.

Fascial release is often performed without oils, and can even be done through loose clothing for those that are uncomfortable with disrobing.

Myofascial Release / Unwinding

Deep Tissue / Structural Integration

Transforming your tension patterns from the inside out, this metamorphic modality focuses on the structural aspect of the fascia in order to bring openness, fluidity, and freedom to your physical body. Deep tissue is an anatomical term that is the opposite of superficial, referring to the layers of tissue deep under the surface.

Because fascia is an interconnected web, often the source of pain is actually on the opposite side of the body where it is actually felt! This is where skillful bodyreading comes in handy.

In order to help re-pattern your nervous system for more freedom and ease, some techniques may call for mindful movement on your part, while I make contact with your tissues.

I use a light amount of custom-blended lubricant, for the perfect balance of grip and glide. You will receive touch not only from the front and back, but also side-lying, for a thorough and nurturing experience. Seated work can also help align the spine and pelvis, creating both lift and grounding.

Be sure to stay hydrated before and after!

Structural Integration is the lineage founded by Ida Rolf, and is about organizing the body and remodeling the fascia in relation to gravity. I hold certificates from Dub Leigh’s Zen Bodytherapy® and Tom Myers’ Anatomy Trains® schools, though refer out to specalists for the traditional 10-session series.

Pelvic Integration

A specialty of mine is working with the bones and deep muscles of the pelvis, which includes the hips, buttocks and lower back. Pelvic Integration can be particularly beneficial for desk workers, cyclists, and individuals with sexual dysfunctions or surgical trauma. A guided tour of places that are rarely touched yet hold deep tensions can be deep neurosomatic work. With your consent, this may include a guided exploration of the muscles in and around the pelvic floor (the diamond shape between the tailbone and the genitals), which includes the perineum and inner thighs.

Unlocking the potential for deep emotional release and personal growth is an integral part of my work. It is possible that these sessions may awaken frozen emotions, shame, or erotic feelings. All of you is fully welcomed and honored within appropriate boundaries. Rest assured, my professional ethics strictly prohibit sexual exchange with clients — also I am happily married and monogamous.

Perhaps you might like to establish trust through a more general session before we delve into these intimate areas together. For those who are truly committed to embracing the next level of personal growth, I recommend a longer Full-Body Dearmoring session as a more comprehensive exploration.

This ancient Taoist healing art works with the abdominal organs and corresponding Five Elements. It can be particularly beneficial for constipation, irritable bowel, detoxification, and circulation. Besides aiding in digestion, Chi Nei Tsang can helps process emotional experiences, leading to deep dream states and emotional processing.

Chi Nei Tsang / Belly Work

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

Developed by French Osteopath Dr. Bruno Chikly, LDT gently manipulates the deep and superficial flow of lymphatic fluid, impacting circulation, detoxification, and the immune system.

LDT can be beneficial for a host of conditions, including allergies, liver detox, skin health, post-injury healing, inflammation reduction, stress relief, and chronic pain management. It’s importnant to be well-hydrated before and after to enhance toxin release and processing.

There are also contraindications like menstruation or other bleeding. If you have chronic lymphoedema, I will refer you to a specialist.

Below is a video I made about lymphatic anatomy and self-care.

Don't just exist in your body - truly live in it!

I invite you to experience the transformative power of these integrated healing modalities. Each session is uniquely crafted to your needs. I promise more than just relaxation, it's a journey of self-discovery, holistic wellness, and harmonic connection with body-mind and soul.

Are you read to embark on your wellness journey? Let’s do it together!